I didn't get a chance/feel like writing yesterday, which could mean I'm finally starting to relax. Yesterday morning, Evan and I went around the corner to
Egg's N' Things again for breakfast. The best thing about this place is that, their breakfasts are both delicious AND huge. Yesterday, I ordered a spam, green onion and cheddar omelet (spam is a very popular protein item here in Hawaii, so I figured I'd give it a try). The omelet comes with either pancakes, rice or potatoes. I've been getting the 3 pancakes that come with it. The omelet and pancakes can been enough food for both me and Evan for breakfast yesterday and today. The spam omelet actually tastes better the second day. Anyhow, it made it worth the 40 minutes Evan and I waited for our food, even though I called in the order ahead of time.

Once Jon woke up (he worked until 2am), we all went to the Waikiki Aquarium. It was just perfect and large enough for Evan. He loved it, until he got tired and had a meltdown, banging his head on a fish tank where I was sure he broke his nose. I think he's still a bit jetlagged, even though his sleep schedule has adjusted very well. Hopefully today will be better. Driving back was an adventure, because all of the roads in Waikiki are one-way, but we actually made it back pretty easily once I looked at the map. Coming back to the condo from the East side of the Waikiki, where the aquarium and zoo is, taking Ala Wai Blvd. to Niu worked very well. Turn left on Niu, which , at Kalakaua turns into Ala Moana where the condo is.
Anyhow, Evan and Jon took their naps, I sat on the lanai and worked on my tan. We all went to the Ala Moana Shopping Center in the afternoon. They have a great, but very interesting, food court. Since about half of the tourists here are Japanese, there are literally 6 different asian noodle places. Since Jon is a huge asian noodle fan, we had to walk around and look at all of them. Once he realized he didn't know/understand what was on the menu at about half of them, even if it was written in English, we settled on the Japanese noodle place, I think it was called
Soba-ya. Their menu was pretty easy, some combination of either soba or udon, hot or cold, plus tempura shrimp and vegetables, or teriyaki chicken. The noodles were way better than the generic "Japanese" chicken teriyaki noodle places we have in our food courts at home.
Finding anything in the shopping center can be very confusing. Picture a multilevel strip mall within a parking garage. Jon learned this when trying to go to the grocery store on Sunday night.
Anyhow, we went over to Ala Moana Beach Park after lunch. Evan made some friends, which he does anywhere he goes, and we walked around looking for seashells and just generally letting Evan run off some loose energy. Once he nearly had his second meltdown back at the condo, we decided we'd stay in the rest of the night watching Elmo and eating Mexican leftovers while Jon went to work. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't know what I'd do without Elmo.
I'll try to post more pics later.