Anyhow, the Sea Life Park was neat and we all had a good time, though it was very hot, no shade at the sea lion or dolphin shows or throughout much of the park. But it was nice, built much more for smaller children with all of the various displays close together, so that we saw everything in under two hours. I think mine and Evan's favorite part was feeding the sea turtles. You could get within six inches of them and feed them lettuce, celery and broccoli which was very cool. The park is also situated in a gorgeous location on the easternmost corner of the island, overlooking the ocean and Rabbit Island.
The rest of the day was spent sleeping and then we walked with Jon to work. I think we're headed to Kailua tomorrow.
For now, it's time to give Evan a bath and head to bed once he's done watching "Cars" for the 10th time this week.