Anyhow, it was well worth the hike, and it wasn't very crowded at all. There are great views of the ocean and the island.
Unfortunately, the two guidebooks and a friend of ours from home were all correct in that, one should never leave anything valuable in their car when parked at a tourist location, Diamond Head/beach, etc. Fortunately, we did leave our car unlocked as is advised, because, it was broken into. In broad daylight, about noontime. In the middle of a busy parking lot. The irony being
that we left it unlocked in case of such a situation, and took our wallets/keys, etc with us on the hike, so that if it was broken into, at least there'd be no damage to the car (yes, this is actually what several guide books advise that you do). Rather than use the trunk button however, the person/people jimmied the trunk open with a screwdriver. Fortunately, Jon was able to fix the lock and all is right with the world, minus my new swimsuit, a beach towel, and a very expensive diaper bag that was a gift of my friend we'll be visiting in Maui.

Evan had another meltdown, but is now resting soundly, again, thanks to Elmo. :) Minus the daily meltdowns, Evan seems to be having a great time and makes friends everywhere he goes.

I've also been watching the surf reports to see if the Big Wave competition is going to take place at Waimea Bay while we're here. Hmm...watching surf reports vs. watching the news about how much snow we're getting in Cleveland. I'll take my chances with the beach and the surfers.
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