I'm not really sure how I managed to write a full blog everyday while we were here last time. It just doesn't seem like I have the time this trip. Maybe it was easier to write because everything was so new to us. This time, Anyhow, on Monday we drove to the Windward side of the island to Lanikai Beach. It's just down the road from Kailua Beach, these are both rated two of the best beaches in the world. It was beautiful. Here's a couple of pics:
Evan finally likes the beach and ocean now and can't get enough of it, almost to our detriment. But thank goodness he likes it now. Evan also was the little social butterfly, introducing himself to a four year old girl from Oregon named Anna and a little boy two days older than him from San Fransisco. Oh yeah, and Jon found a dead Moray eel in the water. He was fascinated, but not quite convinced enough it was dead to pick it up out of the water with a bucket. That's ok though, I didn't tust it to be dead enough to even go into the water anywhere near it.