Another amusing point was, there was a large object at the far end of the beach that turned out to simply be a large block of concrete. But, when Jon asked me what was down that direction, my response was, "well, that's where the underwater looking station is."
After the Lost beach and getting my pic taken at Eko's grave, we drove a couple of miles further to the Waimea Audubon Center. It's basically a huge botanical garden with a paved walk that ends with a waterfall. The neat thing about this waterfall is, not only can you swim in it, but there's a lifeguard and they provide free lifejackets for the little ones. Which was convenient, since of course the minute Evan saw people swimming there said, "I want to go in the waterfall." Fortunately I'm a strong swimmer and he was wearing a lifejacket, because, the water is about 30 feet deep. Of course, I took him in though and he loved it. Some nice European boys even helped us to get closer to the falls. Oh yeah, plus, this just so happens to be the waterfall where Sawyer and Kate take a dip too. Here's some more pics from our day: