The park outside of the aquarium has a large banyan tree, so Evan took a stab at swinging on the vines ala, "Go, Diego, Go!" He did a pretty good job, I was surprised at how well he was able to hold on and naturally figured out to wrap his legs around the vines for a better grip. The aquarium was awesome, it is really a great aquarium for small kids,
and we spent over two hours there, which is a feat in itself for Evan. We had fun comparing some of the exhibits to the ones Curious George finds in the book where he visits the aquarium. Plus, Evan loved the touch pool, where he got to hold a hermit crab who tickled his palm.
Evan's done pretty well with adjusting to the time difference, Jon and I both have the sniffles. Other than that, we're all doing pretty well...I hear there's lots of snow in Cleveland.