By the time we got back to the condo, Jon was awake. After eating breakfast, Loribeth, Evan and I all walked over to Ala Moana Center, so Loribeth could get some shopping done. They apparently don't have an Aveda or Sephora on Maui.

After Evan's nap, we decided to go hike Manoa Falls, a site where many Lost scenes have apparently been shot. It certainly looks like it. Anyhow, it's about a mile hike up to the falls, and a mile back down. Midway through it rained, which is somewhat to be expected in the mountains in a tropical forest. It was a really neat hike regardless and totally worthwhile. Evan seemed to enjoy it alot.

Now we're back and I am exhausted. Jon and I are going to get up early and go snorkeling while Loribeth hangs out with Evan for us.
I'll post pics from Kailua Beach, Manoa Falls and our snorkeling trip tomorrow.
Good night.

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