Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lost at Last

Today was our last day on Oahu before our long trip back to Cleveland.    I woke up and turned on my computer to find, thanks to Ryan at, that some Los Angeles cabs from the Lost props were at Honolulu International Airport.   Since we had nothing planned for the day and an evening flight, Evan and I hopped in the car and took a drive.   We drove by and saw one of the cabs parked off in a corner, and what appeared to be some extras going through wardrobe.    Looked like they wouldn't be ready to shoot for a couple of hours.

As we were driving back to Waikiki on the H1 I happened to look off to the right of the freeway and spotted another yellow cab (they don't have yellow cabs in Hawaii), and this time it looked like a shoot was all set up.  We got off the freeway and  managed to find our way to an industrial/business area of town.   As we were driving down this road we got to see several cameras and monitors set up.   At the intersection with the yellow cab, a policeman had made us stop to wait for a minute.  As we sat there I looked out my window and had to take a second look, as there sat "Kate" and a very pregnant "Claire" on the corner chatting.   I was too chicken to take a picture, but it was neat to see the set.

At that point we headed back to the condo for one last swim before packing up our things.   At least I got to experience some neat "Lost" related activities before the show ends next year.    Spending time with Jon and Evan and working on my tan was pretty nice too!

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